M. Amedola, H.F. de Campos Velho (2007): Determing the Thermal Conductivity of Biological Material in Drying Process, Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering / XXVIII Iberic and Latin-american Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering (CMNE/CILAMCE-2007), June 13-17, Porto, Portugal - Editors: Antonio Rodriguez-Ferran, Javier Oliver, Paulo R.M. Lyra, Jose L.D. Alves - Proc. in CD-ROM (08 pages).

Abstract: The estimation of thermophysical properties of the biological material can be performed by the comparison between the data from experiments and from a mathematical model. The model is based on the Fourier's law with appropriated initial and boundary conditions. The forward model was solved by an implicit time integration method and a central difference approach for the space variable, and a searching scheme of minimum residue. The resuslts suggests a radial depency for the thermal property. Therefore, a more precise estimation procedure of such property could be necessary.