H.F. Campos Velho, Bert Holtslag, Gervasio A. Degrazia, Roger A. Pielke (1998): New Parameterizations in RAMS for Vertical Turbulent Fluxes, Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins (CO), USA.

Abstract: In this work is described the new parameterizations to be implemented in the Colorado State Regional Atmosferic Modeling System for turbulent fluxes. These formulations are suited where some resolution is possible within the boundary layer, but where the resolution in insufficient for resolving the detailed boundary-layer structure. Some parameterizations are fitting curves obtained from experimental data and/or and Large Eddy Simulations, another ones from Taylor's statistical theory of the turbulence. Beside expressions for eddy diffusivity and counter-gradient term, it is also present expressions for residual convective boundary layer, based on an exponential law. A new approach for counter-gradient term is developted. This scheme is based on an integral scale of the quantity transported and in the mixing length. It is discussed two techniques to determine the mixing length. In one of them, the mixing length is given by the ratio between eddy diffusivity and a velocity scale, another one the mixing length is obtained from Taylor's theory.