Basic Machine Learning - Decision Trees

Classification of the covtype dataset

rows <- nrow(covtype)
covtype <- covtype[sample(rows,rows/100), ]
## 'data.frame':	5810 obs. of  13 variables:
##  $ Elevation      : int  2932 3070 2410 2958 3237 3018 3111 3349 2387 2915 ...
##  $ Aspect         : int  270 309 301 233 291 85 323 191 139 97 ...
##  $ Slope          : int  8 10 24 9 15 10 14 18 22 10 ...
##  $ HorDistToHydro : int  330 30 85 85 417 426 277 752 85 295 ...
##  $ VertDistToHydro: int  32 6 27 16 82 55 43 20 33 39 ...
##  $ HorDistRoad    : int  5447 3867 854 3100 2865 450 216 891 90 3455 ...
##  $ Hillshade09    : int  199 193 147 205 176 235 184 217 247 237 ...
##  $ Hillshade12    : int  243 234 222 249 236 222 225 251 227 225 ...
##  $ Hillshade15    : int  183 180 212 181 200 118 180 162 97 119 ...
##  $ HorDistFire    : int  4778 430 1465 1289 830 1434 1552 4460 636 3020 ...
##  $ Class          : Factor w/ 7 levels "Spruce/Fir","Lodgepole Pine",..: 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 2 ...
##  $ WildArea       : Factor w/ 4 levels "WA_RWA","WA_NWA",..: 1 1 4 3 3 1 2 2 4 1 ...
##  $ SoilType       : Factor w/ 40 levels "ST01","ST02",..: 29 20 10 13 32 23 22 33 4 23 ...
modelCT <- C5.0(Class ~ ., data=covtype, control = C5.0Control(noGlobalPruning = TRUE,minCases=1))
plot(modelCT, main="C5.0 Decision Tree - Unpruned, min=1")
plot of chunk IntroML-DecTree-CTytpe-_1
## Call:
## C5.0.formula(formula = Class ~ ., data = covtype, control
##  = C5.0Control(noGlobalPruning = TRUE, minCases = 1))
## C5.0 [Release 2.07 GPL Edition]  	Thu Aug 29 12:47:31 2019
## -------------------------------
## Class specified by attribute `outcome'
## Read 5810 cases (13 attributes) from
## Decision tree:
## WildArea = WA_CLPWA:
## :...HorDistToHydro <= 0:
## :   :...Hillshade15 <= 169: Cottonwood/Willow (27/10)
## :   :   Hillshade15 > 169: Ponderosa Pine (5)
## :   HorDistToHydro > 0:
## :   :...SoilType in {ST07,ST08,ST09,ST12,ST13,ST14,ST15,ST18,ST19,ST20,ST21,
## :       :            ST22,ST23,ST24,ST25,ST26,ST27,ST28,ST29,ST30,ST31,ST32,
## :       :            ST33,ST34,ST35,ST36,ST37,ST38,ST39,
## :       :            ST40}: Ponderosa Pine (0)
## :       SoilType in {ST03,ST17}:
## :       :...HorDistFire > 1115: Cottonwood/Willow (5)
## :       :   HorDistFire <= 1115:
## :       :   :...Hillshade09 <= 167: Douglas-fir (1)
## :       :       Hillshade09 > 167:
## :       :       :...HorDistRoad <= 342: Ponderosa Pine (10/1)
## :       :           HorDistRoad > 342:
## :       :           :...Elevation > 2312: Ponderosa Pine (7)
## :       :               Elevation <= 2312:
## :       :               :...VertDistToHydro <= 0: Ponderosa Pine (1)
## :       :                   VertDistToHydro > 0: Cottonwood/Willow (7)
## :       SoilType in {ST01,ST02,ST04,ST05,ST06,ST10,ST11,ST16}:
## :       :...Elevation > 2474:
## :           :...Slope <= 7:
## :           :   :...Slope <= 2: Ponderosa Pine (2)
## :           :   :   Slope > 2: Douglas-fir (8/2)
## :           :   Slope > 7:
## :           :   :...HorDistToHydro > 365: Ponderosa Pine (6)
## :           :       HorDistToHydro <= 365:
## :           :       :...Aspect <= 66:
## :           :           :...Elevation <= 2512: Ponderosa Pine (4)
## :           :           :   Elevation > 2512: Douglas-fir (1)
## :           :           Aspect > 66:
## :           :           :...SoilType = ST02: Douglas-fir (1)
## :           :               SoilType in {ST01,ST04,ST05,ST11,
## :           :               :            ST16}: Lodgepole Pine (1)
## :           :               SoilType = ST06:
## :           :               :...Elevation <= 2485: Ponderosa Pine (2)
## :           :               :   Elevation > 2485:
## :           :               :   :...Elevation <= 2565: Lodgepole Pine (9/2)
## :           :               :       Elevation > 2565: Ponderosa Pine (1)
## :           :               SoilType = ST10:
## :           :               :...HorDistRoad <= 95: Ponderosa Pine (1)
## :           :                   HorDistRoad > 95:
## :           :                   :...HorDistRoad <= 1224: Lodgepole Pine (15)
## :           :                       HorDistRoad > 1224: Douglas-fir (1)
## :           Elevation <= 2474:
## :           :...SoilType in {ST04,ST06}: Ponderosa Pine (55/8)
## :               SoilType in {ST11,ST16}: Douglas-fir (4)
## :               SoilType in {ST01,ST02,ST05,ST10}:
## :               :...HorDistToHydro <= 30:
## :                   :...Slope > 24: Ponderosa Pine (4)
## :                   :   Slope <= 24:
## :                   :   :...VertDistToHydro > 8: Douglas-fir (4/2)
## :                   :       VertDistToHydro <= 8:
## :                   :       :...SoilType = ST02: Douglas-fir (0)
## :                   :           SoilType = ST01: Ponderosa Pine (2)
## :                   :           SoilType = ST05: Cottonwood/Willow (1)
## :                   :           SoilType = ST10:
## :                   :           :...Hillshade09 > 211: Cottonwood/Willow (1)
## :                   :               Hillshade09 <= 211:
## :                   :               :...VertDistToHydro > 6: Douglas-fir (3)
## :                   :                   VertDistToHydro <= 6:
## :                   :                   :...Aspect <= 278: Douglas-fir (1)
## :                   :                       Aspect > 278: Lodgepole Pine (3)
## :                   HorDistToHydro > 30:
## :                   :...HorDistRoad <= 400:
## :                       :...Elevation <= 2207:
## :                       :   :...HorDistFire <= 882: Ponderosa Pine (27)
## :                       :   :   HorDistFire > 882: Douglas-fir (2)
## :                       :   Elevation > 2207:
## :                       :   :...HorDistFire > 1065: Ponderosa Pine (5)
## :                       :       HorDistFire <= 1065:
## :                       :       :...Hillshade12 <= 240: Lodgepole Pine (5)
## :                       :           Hillshade12 > 240:
## :                       :           :...Elevation <= 2402: Ponderosa Pine (3)
## :                       :               Elevation > 2402: Lodgepole Pine (1)
## :                       HorDistRoad > 400:
## :                       :...Slope > 25:
## :                           :...VertDistToHydro <= 41:
## :                           :   :...SoilType in {ST02,ST05,
## :                           :   :   :            ST10}: Douglas-fir (15/5)
## :                           :   :   SoilType = ST01:
## :                           :   :   :...HorDistFire <= 730: Ponderosa Pine (4)
## :                           :   :       HorDistFire > 730: Douglas-fir (1)
## :                           :   VertDistToHydro > 41:
## :                           :   :...HorDistRoad > 859: Ponderosa Pine (14)
## :                           :       HorDistRoad <= 859:
## :                           :       :...HorDistFire <= 781: [S1]
## :                           :           HorDistFire > 781: [S2]
## :                           Slope <= 25:
## :                           :...Hillshade12 > 223:
## :                               :...HorDistRoad > 859: Douglas-fir (19)
## :                               :   HorDistRoad <= 859: [S3]
## :                               Hillshade12 <= 223:
## :                               :...SoilType = ST01: Douglas-fir (2)
## :                                   SoilType = ST05: Ponderosa Pine (1)
## :                                   SoilType = ST02:
## :                                   :...Elevation <= 2247: Douglas-fir (2)
## :                                   :   Elevation > 2247: Ponderosa Pine (5)
## :                                   SoilType = ST10:
## :                                   :...Slope <= 17:
## :                                       :...Elevation > 2350: Douglas-fir (8)
## :                                       :   Elevation <= 2350: [S4]
## :                                       Slope > 17:
## :                                       :...HorDistRoad <= 892: [S5]
## :                                           HorDistRoad > 892: [S6]
## WildArea in {WA_RWA,WA_NWA,WA_CPWA}:
## :...SoilType in {ST01,ST05,ST06,ST15,ST36}: Lodgepole Pine (0)
##     SoilType in {ST02,ST03,ST04,ST10,ST11,ST14,ST17}:
##     :...SoilType in {ST02,ST04}:
##     :   :...Elevation <= 2685:
##     :   :   :...Aspect <= 69:
##     :   :   :   :...HorDistToHydro <= 319: Douglas-fir (10)
##     :   :   :   :   HorDistToHydro > 319: Ponderosa Pine (6/2)
##     :   :   :   Aspect > 69:
##     :   :   :   :...HorDistRoad > 2432:
##     :   :   :       :...Slope <= 25: Lodgepole Pine (3)
##     :   :   :       :   Slope > 25: Ponderosa Pine (1)
##     :   :   :       HorDistRoad <= 2432:
##     :   :   :       :...Aspect <= 269: Ponderosa Pine (103/8)
##     :   :   :           Aspect > 269:
##     :   :   :           :...Slope <= 6: Ponderosa Pine (2)
##     :   :   :               Slope > 6: Lodgepole Pine (3)
##     :   :   Elevation > 2685:
##     :   :   :...SoilType = ST02: Ponderosa Pine (8)
##     :   :       SoilType = ST04:
##     :   :       :...HorDistFire <= 2136:
##     :   :           :...HorDistRoad > 1054: Lodgepole Pine (27/1)
##     :   :           :   HorDistRoad <= 1054:
##     :   :           :   :...Slope <= 22: Aspen (2)
##     :   :           :       Slope > 22: Lodgepole Pine (5)
##     :   :           HorDistFire > 2136:
##     :   :           :...HorDistFire > 2505: Douglas-fir (1)
##     :   :               HorDistFire <= 2505:
##     :   :               :...Slope <= 20: Lodgepole Pine (1)
##     :   :                   Slope > 20: Ponderosa Pine (3)
##     :   SoilType in {ST03,ST10,ST11,ST14,ST17}:
##     :   :...Elevation <= 2618:
##     :       :...HorDistRoad > 2084:
##     :       :   :...SoilType in {ST03,ST14,ST17}: Spruce/Fir (2)
##     :       :   :   SoilType = ST10:
##     :       :   :   :...Slope <= 8: Lodgepole Pine (1)
##     :       :   :   :   Slope > 8: Spruce/Fir (4/2)
##     :       :   :   SoilType = ST11:
##     :       :   :   :...HorDistRoad <= 2793: Lodgepole Pine (4)
##     :       :   :       HorDistRoad > 2793: Spruce/Fir (3)
##     :       :   HorDistRoad <= 2084:
##     :       :   :...SoilType in {ST03,ST11}:
##     :       :       :...Elevation <= 2429:
##     :       :       :   :...Hillshade12 <= 220: Douglas-fir (1)
##     :       :       :   :   Hillshade12 > 220: Ponderosa Pine (2)
##     :       :       :   Elevation > 2429:
##     :       :       :   :...HorDistToHydro <= 0: Douglas-fir (1)
##     :       :       :       HorDistToHydro > 0: Lodgepole Pine (34/7)
##     :       :       SoilType in {ST10,ST14,ST17}:
##     :       :       :...HorDistFire > 1320:
##     :       :           :...Aspect > 238: Lodgepole Pine (4)
##     :       :           :   Aspect <= 238:
##     :       :           :   :...VertDistToHydro > 36: Douglas-fir (4)
##     :       :           :       VertDistToHydro <= 36:
##     :       :           :       :...Elevation <= 2513: Douglas-fir (2)
##     :       :           :           Elevation > 2513: Lodgepole Pine (6)
##     :       :           HorDistFire <= 1320:
##     :       :           :...Hillshade12 <= 192:
##     :       :               :...HorDistToHydro <= 134:
##     :       :               :   :...VertDistToHydro <= 39: Lodgepole Pine (7)
##     :       :               :   :   VertDistToHydro > 39: Douglas-fir (1)
##     :       :               :   HorDistToHydro > 134:
##     :       :               :   :...Slope > 29: Lodgepole Pine (1)
##     :       :               :       Slope <= 29: [S7]
##     :       :               Hillshade12 > 192:
##     :       :               :...Aspect > 209: Douglas-fir (8)
##     :       :                   Aspect <= 209:
##     :       :                   :...SoilType in {ST14,
##     :       :                       :            ST17}: Ponderosa Pine (4/1)
##     :       :                       SoilType = ST10:
##     :       :                       :...HorDistFire <= 492: Ponderosa Pine (3)
##     :       :                           HorDistFire > 492: Douglas-fir (14/4)
##     :       Elevation > 2618:
##     :       :...Aspect <= 243: Lodgepole Pine (168/29)
##     :           Aspect > 243:
##     :           :...Slope > 20:
##     :               :...Aspect <= 337: Douglas-fir (3)
##     :               :   Aspect > 337: Lodgepole Pine (2)
##     :               Slope <= 20:
##     :               :...HorDistFire > 2045: Lodgepole Pine (5/2)
##     :                   HorDistFire <= 2045:
##     :                   :...Slope <= 8: Aspen (3)
##     :                       Slope > 8:
##     :                       :...SoilType in {ST03,
##     :                           :            ST14}: Lodgepole Pine (0)
##     :                           SoilType = ST17: Aspen (1)
##     :                           SoilType = ST10:
##     :                           :...Slope > 18: Ponderosa Pine (2/1)
##     :                           :   Slope <= 18:
##     :                           :   :...Slope <= 14: Aspen (1)
##     :                           :       Slope > 14: Lodgepole Pine (6)
##     :                           SoilType = ST11:
##     :                           :...Hillshade09 > 198: Lodgepole Pine (2)
##     :                               Hillshade09 <= 198:
##     :                               :...Elevation <= 2726: Ponderosa Pine (2)
##     :                                   Elevation > 2726: Aspen (1)
##     SoilType in {ST07,ST08,ST09,ST12,ST13,ST16,ST18,ST19,ST20,ST21,ST22,ST23,
##     :            ST24,ST25,ST26,ST27,ST28,ST29,ST30,ST31,ST32,ST33,ST34,ST35,
##     :            ST37,ST38,ST39,ST40}:
##     :...SoilType in {ST35,ST37,ST38,ST39,ST40}:
##         :...WildArea = WA_CPWA:
##         :   :...Elevation <= 3233:
##         :   :   :...HorDistFire <= 573: Krummholz (2)
##         :   :   :   HorDistFire > 573:
##         :   :   :   :...VertDistToHydro <= 70: Spruce/Fir (19)
##         :   :   :       VertDistToHydro > 70:
##         :   :   :       :...Hillshade12 <= 211: Lodgepole Pine (4)
##         :   :   :           Hillshade12 > 211: Spruce/Fir (2)
##         :   :   Elevation > 3233:
##         :   :   :...Hillshade12 > 245:
##         :   :       :...SoilType in {ST35,ST40}: Krummholz (2)
##         :   :       :   SoilType in {ST37,ST38,ST39}: Spruce/Fir (20/6)
##         :   :       Hillshade12 <= 245:
##         :   :       :...Elevation > 3311: Krummholz (67/6)
##         :   :           Elevation <= 3311:
##         :   :           :...SoilType = ST37: Krummholz (0)
##         :   :               SoilType = ST40:
##         :   :               :...HorDistToHydro <= 543: Krummholz (2)
##         :   :               :   HorDistToHydro > 543: Lodgepole Pine (3)
##         :   :               SoilType in {ST35,ST38,ST39}:
##         :   :               :...HorDistRoad > 3523: Spruce/Fir (4)
##         :   :                   HorDistRoad <= 3523:
##         :   :                   :...Elevation > 3305: Spruce/Fir (2)
##         :   :                       Elevation <= 3305:
##         :   :                       :...SoilType in {ST35,
##         :   :                           :            ST39}: Krummholz (14)
##         :   :                           SoilType = ST38:
##         :   :                           :...HorDistFire > 1648: Krummholz (3)
##         :   :                               HorDistFire <= 1648: [S8]
##         :   WildArea in {WA_RWA,WA_NWA}:
##         :   :...WildArea = WA_NWA:
##         :       :...Elevation > 3385:
##         :       :   :...HorDistFire > 2858: Spruce/Fir (3)
##         :       :   :   HorDistFire <= 2858:
##         :       :   :   :...Hillshade15 <= 180: Krummholz (15)
##         :       :   :       Hillshade15 > 180: Spruce/Fir (3)
##         :       :   Elevation <= 3385:
##         :       :   :...HorDistToHydro > 560:
##         :       :       :...HorDistFire <= 1571: Krummholz (1)
##         :       :       :   HorDistFire > 1571: Lodgepole Pine (2)
##         :       :       HorDistToHydro <= 560:
##         :       :       :...HorDistToHydro > 90: Spruce/Fir (26/2)
##         :       :           HorDistToHydro <= 90:
##         :       :           :...VertDistToHydro <= 4: Lodgepole Pine (4)
##         :       :               VertDistToHydro > 4: Spruce/Fir (2)
##         :       WildArea = WA_RWA:
##         :       :...HorDistFire > 3322:
##         :           :...Elevation > 3273: Krummholz (18)
##         :           :   Elevation <= 3273:
##         :           :   :...VertDistToHydro <= 7: Krummholz (2)
##         :           :       VertDistToHydro > 7:
##         :           :       :...Slope <= 16: Spruce/Fir (9)
##         :           :           Slope > 16: Krummholz (1)
##         :           HorDistFire <= 3322:
##         :           :...SoilType in {ST35,ST37}:
##         :               :...HorDistFire <= 1458: Spruce/Fir (2)
##         :               :   HorDistFire > 1458:
##         :               :   :...HorDistRoad <= 1729: Spruce/Fir (1)
##         :               :       HorDistRoad > 1729: Krummholz (7)
##         :               SoilType in {ST38,ST39,ST40}:
##         :               :...Hillshade09 <= 224:
##         :                   :...HorDistRoad > 1095: Spruce/Fir (97/5)
##         :                   :   HorDistRoad <= 1095:
##         :                   :   :...Aspect <= 319: Lodgepole Pine (3)
##         :                   :       Aspect > 319: Spruce/Fir (1)
##         :                   Hillshade09 > 224:
##         :                   :...SoilType = ST40: Spruce/Fir (24)
##         :                       SoilType in {ST38,ST39}:
##         :                       :...VertDistToHydro > 135: Krummholz (3)
##         :                           VertDistToHydro <= 135:
##         :                           :...HorDistRoad <= 1776: Spruce/Fir (25/2)
##         :                               HorDistRoad > 1776:
##         :                               :...Hillshade15 <= 85: Spruce/Fir (6)
##         :                                   Hillshade15 > 85: [S9]
##         SoilType in {ST07,ST08,ST09,ST12,ST13,ST16,ST18,ST19,ST20,ST21,ST22,
##         :            ST23,ST24,ST25,ST26,ST27,ST28,ST29,ST30,ST31,ST32,ST33,
##         :            ST34}:
##         :...Elevation <= 3017:
##             :...Elevation > 2918:
##             :   :...SoilType in {ST09,ST18,ST25,ST27,
##             :   :   :            ST28}: Lodgepole Pine (0)
##             :   :   SoilType in {ST19,ST21,ST22,ST23}:
##             :   :   :...HorDistRoad <= 503: Spruce/Fir (14)
##             :   :   :   HorDistRoad > 503:
##             :   :   :   :...HorDistFire > 2531:
##             :   :   :       :...VertDistToHydro <= -1: Lodgepole Pine (3)
##             :   :   :       :   VertDistToHydro > -1: Spruce/Fir (47/7)
##             :   :   :       HorDistFire <= 2531:
##             :   :   :       :...HorDistToHydro > 124:
##             :   :   :           :...Hillshade12 <= 222: Spruce/Fir (2)
##             :   :   :           :   Hillshade12 > 222: Lodgepole Pine (37/7)
##             :   :   :           HorDistToHydro <= 124:
##             :   :   :           :...HorDistRoad <= 1917: [S10]
##             :   :   :               HorDistRoad > 1917:
##             :   :   :               :...Hillshade09 <= 233: Spruce/Fir (21/2)
##             :   :   :                   Hillshade09 > 233: Lodgepole Pine (2)
##             :   :   SoilType in {ST07,ST08,ST12,ST13,ST16,ST20,ST24,ST26,ST29,
##             :   :   :            ST30,ST31,ST32,ST33,ST34}:
##             :   :   :...HorDistToHydro <= 192:
##             :   :       :...Hillshade09 <= 190: Lodgepole Pine (46/2)
##             :   :       :   Hillshade09 > 190:
##             :   :       :   :...SoilType in {ST07,ST08,ST12,ST26,ST29,
##             :   :       :       :            ST34}: Lodgepole Pine (126/59)
##             :   :       :       SoilType = ST13:
##             :   :       :       :...Slope <= 10: Spruce/Fir (2)
##             :   :       :       :   Slope > 10: Lodgepole Pine (6)
##             :   :       :       SoilType = ST16:
##             :   :       :       :...HorDistFire <= 4370: Spruce/Fir (1)
##             :   :       :       :   HorDistFire > 4370: Lodgepole Pine (2)
##             :   :       :       SoilType = ST20:
##             :   :       :       :...HorDistToHydro <= 60: Spruce/Fir (6/2)
##             :   :       :       :   HorDistToHydro > 60: Lodgepole Pine (4)
##             :   :       :       SoilType = ST31:
##             :   :       :       :...Hillshade09 <= 242: Lodgepole Pine (22/5)
##             :   :       :       :   Hillshade09 > 242: Spruce/Fir (2)
##             :   :       :       SoilType = ST32:
##             :   :       :       :...VertDistToHydro <= -3: Spruce/Fir (2)
##             :   :       :       :   VertDistToHydro > -3: Lodgepole Pine (33/11)
##             :   :       :       SoilType = ST24:
##             :   :       :       :...HorDistToHydro <= 134: Lodgepole Pine (7)
##             :   :       :       :   HorDistToHydro > 134:
##             :   :       :       :   :...Aspect <= 91: Spruce/Fir (5)
##             :   :       :       :       Aspect > 91: Lodgepole Pine (1)
##             :   :       :       SoilType = ST30:
##             :   :       :       :...VertDistToHydro > 20: Lodgepole Pine (16)
##             :   :       :       :   VertDistToHydro <= 20:
##             :   :       :       :   :...Aspect <= 84: Spruce/Fir (4)
##             :   :       :       :       Aspect > 84: [S11]
##             :   :       :       SoilType = ST33:
##             :   :       :       :...HorDistRoad > 1683: Spruce/Fir (15)
##             :   :       :           HorDistRoad <= 1683:
##             :   :       :           :...Hillshade12 <= 196: Spruce/Fir (2)
##             :   :       :               Hillshade12 > 196:
##             :   :       :               :...Slope <= 8: Spruce/Fir (1)
##             :   :       :                   Slope > 8: Lodgepole Pine (10)
##             :   :       HorDistToHydro > 192:
##             :   :       :...Hillshade12 > 211:
##             :   :           :...HorDistRoad > 745: Lodgepole Pine (367/33)
##             :   :           :   HorDistRoad <= 745:
##             :   :           :   :...Hillshade09 > 224: Lodgepole Pine (7)
##             :   :           :       Hillshade09 <= 224:
##             :   :           :       :...Elevation <= 2976: Spruce/Fir (9)
##             :   :           :           Elevation > 2976: Lodgepole Pine (3)
##             :   :           Hillshade12 <= 211:
##             :   :           :...HorDistToHydro > 680: Lodgepole Pine (10)
##             :   :               HorDistToHydro <= 680:
##             :   :               :...SoilType in {ST07,ST08,ST13,ST16,ST26,
##             :   :                   :            ST34}: Lodgepole Pine (0)
##             :   :                   SoilType in {ST20,ST30,
##             :   :                   :            ST33}: Spruce/Fir (36/17)
##             :   :                   SoilType = ST12:
##             :   :                   :...Hillshade12 <= 198: Spruce/Fir (1)
##             :   :                   :   Hillshade12 > 198: Lodgepole Pine (2)
##             :   :                   SoilType = ST24:
##             :   :                   :...Hillshade12 <= 206: Lodgepole Pine (9/2)
##             :   :                   :   Hillshade12 > 206: Spruce/Fir (4)
##             :   :                   SoilType = ST31: [S12]
##             :   :                   SoilType = ST32:
##             :   :                   :...Slope > 16: Lodgepole Pine (7)
##             :   :                   :   Slope <= 16: [S13]
##             :   :                   SoilType = ST29:
##             :   :                   :...HorDistFire <= 1256: Lodgepole Pine (12)
##             :   :                       HorDistFire > 1256: [S14]
##             :   Elevation <= 2918:
##             :   :...HorDistRoad <= 335:
##             :       :...Elevation <= 2711: Lodgepole Pine (17)
##             :       :   Elevation > 2711:
##             :       :   :...HorDistFire > 2151: Aspen (2)
##             :       :       HorDistFire <= 2151:
##             :       :       :...HorDistToHydro <= 42: Aspen (2)
##             :       :           HorDistToHydro > 42:
##             :       :           :...Hillshade12 <= 213:
##             :       :               :...VertDistToHydro <= 74: Spruce/Fir (10)
##             :       :               :   VertDistToHydro > 74: Aspen (14/1)
##             :       :               Hillshade12 > 213: [S15]
##             :       HorDistRoad > 335:
##             :       :...WildArea = WA_NWA: Lodgepole Pine (0)
##             :           WildArea = WA_RWA:
##             :           :...HorDistToHydro > 120: Lodgepole Pine (437/29)
##             :           :   HorDistToHydro <= 120:
##             :           :   :...Elevation <= 2675: Lodgepole Pine (72/2)
##             :           :       Elevation > 2675:
##             :           :       :...SoilType in {ST07,ST08,ST09,ST13,ST16,ST18,
##             :           :           :            ST19,ST21,ST24,ST25,ST26,ST27,
##             :           :           :            ST28,ST31,ST32,ST33,
##             :           :           :            ST34}: Lodgepole Pine (11/2)
##             :           :           SoilType = ST22: [S16]
##             :           :           SoilType = ST20:
##             :           :           :...Hillshade09 <= 176: Spruce/Fir (2)
##             :           :           :   Hillshade09 > 176: [S17]
##             :           :           SoilType = ST30:
##             :           :           :...Hillshade09 > 248: Aspen (2)
##             :           :           :   Hillshade09 <= 248:
##             :           :           :   :...Aspect <= 246: Lodgepole Pine (27/4)
##             :           :           :       Aspect > 246: Spruce/Fir (3)
##             :           :           SoilType = ST12:
##             :           :           :...HorDistFire > 6491: Spruce/Fir (3)
##             :           :           :   HorDistFire <= 6491:
##             :           :           :   :...HorDistRoad <= 1146: Spruce/Fir (3)
##             :           :           :       HorDistRoad > 1146: [S18]
##             :           :           SoilType = ST23:
##             :           :           :...HorDistRoad <= 2551: [S19]
##             :           :           :   HorDistRoad > 2551:
##             :           :           :   :...Elevation <= 2842: Spruce/Fir (7)
##             :           :           :       Elevation > 2842: [S20]
##             :           :           SoilType = ST29: [S21]
##             :           WildArea = WA_CPWA:
##             :           :...HorDistToHydro <= 0:
##             :               :...Elevation <= 2568: Douglas-fir (2)
##             :               :   Elevation > 2568: Spruce/Fir (24/9)
##             :               HorDistToHydro > 0:
##             :               :...Elevation <= 2715:
##             :                   :...HorDistFire <= 543: Spruce/Fir (2)
##             :                   :   HorDistFire > 543:
##             :                   :   :...Hillshade12 > 236: [S22]
##             :                   :       Hillshade12 <= 236:
##             :                   :       :...Hillshade15 <= 186: [S23]
##             :                   :           Hillshade15 > 186: [S24]
##             :                   Elevation > 2715:
##             :                   :...Hillshade09 <= 236:
##             :                       :...HorDistFire > 2774: Spruce/Fir (13/5)
##             :                       :   HorDistFire <= 2774: [S25]
##             :                       Hillshade09 > 236:
##             :                       :...HorDistFire > 1694: [S26]
##             :                           HorDistFire <= 1694: [S27]
##             Elevation > 3017:
##             :...Elevation > 3148:
##                 :...Elevation > 3315:
##                 :   :...Hillshade09 <= 211:
##                 :   :   :...Hillshade15 <= 126: Lodgepole Pine (1)
##                 :   :   :   Hillshade15 > 126: Spruce/Fir (48/3)
##                 :   :   Hillshade09 > 211:
##                 :   :   :...WildArea = WA_RWA: Spruce/Fir (4)
##                 :   :       WildArea = WA_NWA:
##                 :   :       :...SoilType in {ST07,ST08,ST09,ST12,ST13,ST16,
##                 :   :       :   :            ST18,ST19,ST20,ST21,ST25,ST26,
##                 :   :       :   :            ST27,ST28,ST29,ST30,
##                 :   :       :   :            ST34}: Spruce/Fir (0)
##                 :   :       :   SoilType = ST24: Krummholz (3)
##                 :   :       :   SoilType in {ST22,ST23,ST31,ST32,ST33}:
##                 :   :       :   :...Slope <= 12: Lodgepole Pine (4)
##                 :   :       :       Slope > 12:
##                 :   :       :       :...HorDistRoad <= 1199: Lodgepole Pine (3/1)
##                 :   :       :           HorDistRoad > 1199: Spruce/Fir (6)
##                 :   :       WildArea = WA_CPWA:
##                 :   :       :...HorDistFire > 2395: Krummholz (9)
##                 :   :           HorDistFire <= 2395:
##                 :   :           :...HorDistFire <= 716: Lodgepole Pine (1)
##                 :   :               HorDistFire > 716:
##                 :   :               :...HorDistRoad > 1034: Spruce/Fir (13)
##                 :   :                   HorDistRoad <= 1034:
##                 :   :                   :...HorDistRoad <= 912: Spruce/Fir (1)
##                 :   :                       HorDistRoad > 912: Krummholz (4)
##                 :   Elevation <= 3315:
##                 :   :...HorDistToHydro <= 228:
##                 :       :...WildArea = WA_NWA:
##                 :       :   :...Elevation <= 3246: Spruce/Fir (41/8)
##                 :       :   :   Elevation > 3246:
##                 :       :   :   :...SoilType in {ST07,ST08,ST09,ST12,ST13,ST16,
##                 :       :   :       :            ST18,ST19,ST20,ST21,ST26,ST27,
##                 :       :   :       :            ST28,ST29,ST30,ST31,
##                 :       :   :       :            ST34}: Lodgepole Pine (0)
##                 :       :   :       SoilType in {ST22,ST32}: Spruce/Fir (4)
##                 :       :   :       SoilType in {ST23,ST24,ST25,ST33}:
##                 :       :   :       :...HorDistFire <= 4199: Lodgepole Pine (12)
##                 :       :   :           HorDistFire > 4199: Spruce/Fir (1)
##                 :       :   WildArea in {WA_RWA,WA_CPWA}:
##                 :       :   :...Hillshade09 <= 222:
##                 :       :       :...Hillshade12 > 168: Spruce/Fir (204/24)
##                 :       :       :   Hillshade12 <= 168:
##                 :       :       :   :...WildArea = WA_RWA: Spruce/Fir (1)
##                 :       :       :       WildArea = WA_CPWA: Krummholz (2)
##                 :       :       Hillshade09 > 222:
##                 :       :       :...Hillshade09 <= 224:
##                 :       :           :...HorDistFire <= 1561: Spruce/Fir (3)
##                 :       :           :   HorDistFire > 1561: [S28]
##                 :       :           Hillshade09 > 224: [S29]
##                 :       HorDistToHydro > 228:
##                 :       :...Hillshade12 > 247:
##                 :           :...HorDistRoad > 3566:
##                 :           :   :...Elevation <= 3252: Lodgepole Pine (17)
##                 :           :   :   Elevation > 3252: Spruce/Fir (1)
##                 :           :   HorDistRoad <= 3566:
##                 :           :   :...HorDistFire > 4318: Lodgepole Pine (7)
##                 :           :       HorDistFire <= 4318:
##                 :           :       :...WildArea = WA_NWA: [S30]
##                 :           :           WildArea = WA_RWA: [S31]
##                 :           :           WildArea = WA_CPWA: [S32]
##                 :           Hillshade12 <= 247:
##                 :           :...SoilType in {ST07,ST08,ST09,ST12,ST16,ST18,
##                 :               :            ST19,ST20,ST21,ST26,
##                 :               :            ST28}: Spruce/Fir (8)
##                 :               SoilType in {ST25,ST27,
##                 :               :            ST34}: Lodgepole Pine (6/1)
##                 :               SoilType = ST13:
##                 :               :...VertDistToHydro <= 70: Lodgepole Pine (1)
##                 :               :   VertDistToHydro > 70: Spruce/Fir (5)
##                 :               SoilType = ST30:
##                 :               :...HorDistFire > 3021: Spruce/Fir (8)
##                 :               :   HorDistFire <= 3021:
##                 :               :   :...HorDistFire <= 1558: Krummholz (1)
##                 :               :       HorDistFire > 1558: [S33]
##                 :               SoilType = ST32:
##                 :               :...HorDistFire > 2969:
##                 :               :   :...Slope <= 11: Krummholz (1)
##                 :               :   :   Slope > 11: Lodgepole Pine (3)
##                 :               :   HorDistFire <= 2969:
##                 :               :   :...Hillshade12 <= 202: Lodgepole Pine (4)
##                 :               :       Hillshade12 > 202: [S34]
##                 :               SoilType = ST22:
##                 :               :...Hillshade12 <= 239: [S35]
##                 :               :   Hillshade12 > 239: [S36]
##                 :               SoilType = ST23:
##                 :               :...VertDistToHydro <= 1: Lodgepole Pine (9/1)
##                 :               :   VertDistToHydro > 1:
##                 :               :   :...VertDistToHydro <= 71: Spruce/Fir (51/5)
##                 :               :       VertDistToHydro > 71:
##                 :               :       :...Hillshade15 <= 144: [S37]
##                 :               :           Hillshade15 > 144: [S38]
##                 :               SoilType = ST24:
##                 :               :...Elevation > 3268: Lodgepole Pine (4)
##                 :               :   Elevation <= 3268:
##                 :               :   :...HorDistFire <= 2738: Spruce/Fir (22/1)
##                 :               :       HorDistFire > 2738: [S39]
##                 :               SoilType = ST33:
##                 :               :...HorDistToHydro <= 469: Spruce/Fir (42/6)
##                 :               :   HorDistToHydro > 469:
##                 :               :   :...HorDistRoad <= 1177: Lodgepole Pine (9)
##                 :               :       HorDistRoad > 1177: [S40]
##                 :               SoilType = ST31:
##                 :               :...Hillshade09 > 236: Krummholz (2)
##                 :               :   Hillshade09 <= 236:
##                 :               :   :...Hillshade12 <= 228: Spruce/Fir (31/1)
##                 :               :       Hillshade12 > 228: [S41]
##                 :               SoilType = ST29:
##                 :               :...Hillshade12 > 242:
##                 :                   :...Aspect <= 173: Krummholz (3)
##                 :                   :   Aspect > 173: [S42]
##                 :                   Hillshade12 <= 242:
##                 :                   :...HorDistFire > 3144: Spruce/Fir (19/2)
##                 :                       HorDistFire <= 3144:
##                 :                       :...Hillshade12 <= 200: Spruce/Fir (4)
##                 :                           Hillshade12 > 200: [S43]
##                 Elevation <= 3148:
##                 :...SoilType in {ST07,ST08,ST09,ST16,ST25,ST26,
##                     :            ST28}: Spruce/Fir (0)
##                     SoilType in {ST12,ST13,ST27,ST32,
##                     :            ST34}: Lodgepole Pine (194/50)
##                     SoilType in {ST18,ST19,ST20,ST21,ST22,ST23,ST24,ST29,ST30,
##                     :            ST31,ST33}:
##                     :...HorDistRoad > 5367: Lodgepole Pine (92/25)
##                         HorDistRoad <= 5367:
##                         :...HorDistToHydro <= 256:
##                             :...SoilType in {ST18,ST19,ST20,ST21,ST22,ST23,
##                             :   :            ST24,ST30}:
##                             :   :...HorDistFire > 2309: Spruce/Fir (69/2)
##                             :   :   HorDistFire <= 2309:
##                             :   :   :...Hillshade09 <= 192: Spruce/Fir (36/1)
##                             :   :       Hillshade09 > 192:
##                             :   :       :...WildArea = WA_NWA: [S44]
##                             :   :           WildArea = WA_RWA: [S45]
##                             :   :           WildArea = WA_CPWA: [S46]
##                             :   SoilType in {ST29,ST31,ST33}:
##                             :   :...Hillshade12 <= 209: Spruce/Fir (49/8)
##                             :       Hillshade12 > 209:
##                             :       :...Elevation <= 3119: [S47]
##                             :           Elevation > 3119:
##                             :           :...Hillshade09 > 222: Spruce/Fir (21)
##                             :               Hillshade09 <= 222: [S48]
##                             HorDistToHydro > 256:
##                             :...Hillshade12 <= 230:
##                                 :...SoilType in {ST18,ST19,ST20,ST21,
##                                 :   :            ST29}: Spruce/Fir (77/37)
##                                 :   SoilType = ST23:
##                                 :   :...HorDistRoad <= 1380: Lodgepole Pine (6/2)
##                                 :   :   HorDistRoad > 1380: Spruce/Fir (7)
##                                 :   SoilType = ST22:
##                                 :   :...HorDistRoad > 726: Spruce/Fir (13)
##                                 :   :   HorDistRoad <= 726: [S49]
##                                 :   SoilType = ST30:
##                                 :   :...Elevation > 3096: Spruce/Fir (6)
##                                 :   :   Elevation <= 3096: [S50]
##                                 :   SoilType = ST24:
##                                 :   :...HorDistRoad > 2313: Lodgepole Pine (9)
##                                 :   :   HorDistRoad <= 2313:
##                                 :   :   :...HorDistRoad > 871: Spruce/Fir (18/1)
##                                 :   :       HorDistRoad <= 871: [S51]
##                                 :   SoilType = ST31:
##                                 :   :...Aspect <= 43: Spruce/Fir (9)
##                                 :   :   Aspect > 43: [S52]
##                                 :   SoilType = ST33:
##                                 :   :...HorDistRoad > 1728: [S53]
##                                 :       HorDistRoad <= 1728:
##                                 :       :...Elevation <= 3096: [S54]
##                                 :           Elevation > 3096: [S55]
##                                 Hillshade12 > 230:
##                                 :...HorDistFire > 3161: Spruce/Fir (7)
##                                     HorDistFire <= 3161: [S56]
## SubTree [S1]
## Hillshade15 <= 88: Douglas-fir (1)
## Hillshade15 > 88: Ponderosa Pine (16)
## SubTree [S2]
## HorDistFire > 1116: Ponderosa Pine (5)
## HorDistFire <= 1116:
## :...Hillshade12 <= 221: Douglas-fir (5)
##     Hillshade12 > 221: Ponderosa Pine (1)
## SubTree [S3]
## SoilType in {ST01,ST05,ST10}: Douglas-fir (8/1)
## SoilType = ST02: Ponderosa Pine (2)
## SubTree [S4]
## HorDistToHydro <= 228: Douglas-fir (1)
## HorDistToHydro > 228: Ponderosa Pine (3)
## SubTree [S5]
## Elevation <= 2135: Douglas-fir (1)
## Elevation > 2135: Ponderosa Pine (11/3)
## SubTree [S6]
## HorDistRoad > 1158: Ponderosa Pine (5)
## HorDistRoad <= 1158:
## :...Hillshade09 <= 154: Ponderosa Pine (3)
##     Hillshade09 > 154:
##     :...Hillshade09 <= 223: Douglas-fir (6)
##         Hillshade09 > 223: Ponderosa Pine (1)
## SubTree [S7]
## HorDistToHydro <= 366: Douglas-fir (4)
## HorDistToHydro > 366: Ponderosa Pine (1)
## SubTree [S8]
## Hillshade09 <= 212: Spruce/Fir (2)
## Hillshade09 > 212: Lodgepole Pine (1)
## SubTree [S9]
## HorDistFire > 2304: Krummholz (8)
## HorDistFire <= 2304:
## :...HorDistRoad <= 4049: Krummholz (3/1)
##     HorDistRoad > 4049: Spruce/Fir (5)
## SubTree [S10]
## WildArea in {WA_RWA,WA_CPWA}: Lodgepole Pine (20/4)
## WildArea = WA_NWA: Spruce/Fir (3)
## SubTree [S11]
## VertDistToHydro <= 12: Lodgepole Pine (9)
## VertDistToHydro > 12: Spruce/Fir (1)
## SubTree [S12]
## VertDistToHydro <= 66: Lodgepole Pine (6)
## VertDistToHydro > 66: Spruce/Fir (2)
## SubTree [S13]
## HorDistFire <= 842: Lodgepole Pine (1)
## HorDistFire > 842: Spruce/Fir (4)
## SubTree [S14]
## Hillshade12 > 203: Lodgepole Pine (7)
## Hillshade12 <= 203:
## :...Hillshade15 <= 65: Lodgepole Pine (2)
##     Hillshade15 > 65:
##     :...HorDistToHydro <= 470: Spruce/Fir (7)
##         HorDistToHydro > 470: Lodgepole Pine (1)
## SubTree [S15]
## HorDistToHydro <= 192: Lodgepole Pine (6)
## HorDistToHydro > 192: Spruce/Fir (2)
## SubTree [S16]
## VertDistToHydro <= 18: Spruce/Fir (3)
## VertDistToHydro > 18: Lodgepole Pine (2)
## SubTree [S17]
## HorDistRoad <= 1073: Spruce/Fir (2)
## HorDistRoad > 1073: Lodgepole Pine (27/4)
## SubTree [S18]
## HorDistToHydro <= 108: Lodgepole Pine (33/1)
## HorDistToHydro > 108: Spruce/Fir (1)
## SubTree [S19]
## HorDistToHydro > 0: Lodgepole Pine (14)
## HorDistToHydro <= 0:
## :...Hillshade12 <= 227: Lodgepole Pine (1)
##     Hillshade12 > 227: Aspen (2)
## SubTree [S20]
## VertDistToHydro <= 17: Lodgepole Pine (20/2)
## VertDistToHydro > 17: Spruce/Fir (1)
## SubTree [S21]
## HorDistToHydro > 30: Lodgepole Pine (61/13)
## HorDistToHydro <= 30:
## :...Elevation > 2843: Lodgepole Pine (4)
##     Elevation <= 2843:
##     :...Hillshade09 <= 190: Lodgepole Pine (2)
##         Hillshade09 > 190:
##         :...VertDistToHydro <= -3: Aspen (1)
##             VertDistToHydro > -3: Spruce/Fir (9)
## SubTree [S22]
## SoilType = ST13: Douglas-fir (1)
## SoilType in {ST07,ST08,ST09,ST12,ST16,ST18,ST19,ST21,ST22,ST23,ST24,ST25,ST26,
## :            ST27,ST29,ST30,ST31,ST32,ST34}: Aspen (2)
## SoilType = ST28: Lodgepole Pine (1)
## SoilType = ST20:
## :...HorDistToHydro <= 42: Lodgepole Pine (1)
## :   HorDistToHydro > 42: Aspen (2)
## SoilType = ST33:
## :...HorDistRoad <= 1273: Douglas-fir (2)
##     HorDistRoad > 1273: Lodgepole Pine (1)
## SubTree [S23]
## SoilType in {ST07,ST08,ST09,ST12,ST13,ST16,ST18,ST19,ST21,ST22,ST23,ST24,ST25,
## :            ST26,ST27,ST28,ST29,ST30,ST31,ST33,ST34}: Lodgepole Pine (49/1)
## SoilType in {ST20,ST32}: Douglas-fir (4/1)
## SubTree [S24]
## VertDistToHydro <= 26: Douglas-fir (7)
## VertDistToHydro > 26:
## :...HorDistRoad <= 1406: Lodgepole Pine (6)
##     HorDistRoad > 1406: Douglas-fir (1)
## SubTree [S25]
## SoilType in {ST07,ST08,ST09,ST12,ST16,ST18,ST21,ST25,ST27,ST29,
## :            ST30}: Lodgepole Pine (0)
## SoilType in {ST13,ST19,ST26,ST28,ST31,ST32,ST33,ST34}:
## :...HorDistToHydro > 30: Lodgepole Pine (231/26)
## :   HorDistToHydro <= 30:
## :   :...Aspect <= 228:
## :       :...HorDistRoad <= 430: Aspen (1)
## :       :   HorDistRoad > 430: Lodgepole Pine (6)
## :       Aspect > 228:
## :       :...SoilType = ST13: Spruce/Fir (2/1)
## :           SoilType in {ST19,ST26,ST28,ST31,ST32,ST33,ST34}: Aspen (3)
## SoilType in {ST20,ST22,ST23,ST24}:
## :...Slope > 12: Lodgepole Pine (37/8)
##     Slope <= 12:
##     :...HorDistToHydro <= 162: Spruce/Fir (8)
##         HorDistToHydro > 162:
##         :...HorDistRoad <= 1928: Lodgepole Pine (2)
##             HorDistRoad > 1928: Spruce/Fir (2)
## SubTree [S26]
## HorDistRoad <= 2509: Lodgepole Pine (18)
## HorDistRoad > 2509: Spruce/Fir (1)
## SubTree [S27]
## SoilType in {ST07,ST08,ST09,ST12,ST16,ST18,ST19,ST20,ST21,ST23,ST24,ST25,ST26,
## :            ST27,ST28,ST29,ST30,ST34}: Aspen (0)
## SoilType = ST22: Lodgepole Pine (1)
## SoilType = ST33: Spruce/Fir (4/2)
## SoilType = ST31:
## :...HorDistRoad <= 1437: Lodgepole Pine (2)
## :   HorDistRoad > 1437: Aspen (2)
## SoilType = ST32:
## :...Slope <= 21: Lodgepole Pine (4)
## :   Slope > 21: Aspen (1)
## SoilType = ST13:
## :...HorDistToHydro <= 108:
##     :...Aspect <= 118: Lodgepole Pine (5)
##     :   Aspect > 118: Spruce/Fir (1)
##     HorDistToHydro > 108:
##     :...Elevation <= 2761: Lodgepole Pine (2)
##         Elevation > 2761:
##         :...VertDistToHydro > 92: Aspen (10)
##             VertDistToHydro <= 92:
##             :...Elevation <= 2859: Aspen (6/1)
##                 Elevation > 2859: Lodgepole Pine (2)
## SubTree [S28]
## SoilType in {ST22,ST23}: Spruce/Fir (3)
## SoilType in {ST07,ST08,ST09,ST12,ST13,ST16,ST18,ST19,ST20,ST21,ST24,ST25,ST26,
##              ST27,ST28,ST29,ST30,ST31,ST32,ST33,ST34}: Krummholz (5)
## SubTree [S29]
## SoilType in {ST07,ST08,ST09,ST12,ST13,ST16,ST18,ST19,ST20,ST21,ST24,ST25,ST26,
## :            ST27,ST28,ST31,ST34}: Spruce/Fir (10/2)
## SoilType = ST32: Lodgepole Pine (6/2)
## SoilType = ST22:
## :...Hillshade12 <= 233: Spruce/Fir (26/2)
## :   Hillshade12 > 233: Lodgepole Pine (7/2)
## SoilType = ST33:
## :...HorDistToHydro <= 42: Krummholz (1)
## :   HorDistToHydro > 42: Spruce/Fir (6/2)
## SoilType = ST23:
## :...HorDistFire <= 2762: Spruce/Fir (27/3)
## :   HorDistFire > 2762:
## :   :...HorDistRoad <= 4605: Spruce/Fir (3/1)
## :       HorDistRoad > 4605: Lodgepole Pine (4)
## SoilType = ST29:
## :...Hillshade09 > 247: Lodgepole Pine (3)
## :   Hillshade09 <= 247:
## :   :...VertDistToHydro <= -7: Lodgepole Pine (2)
## :       VertDistToHydro > -7: Spruce/Fir (35/6)
## SoilType = ST30:
## :...HorDistRoad > 1996: Spruce/Fir (6)
##     HorDistRoad <= 1996:
##     :...Hillshade15 <= 89: Spruce/Fir (2)
##         Hillshade15 > 89: Lodgepole Pine (4)
## SubTree [S30]
## HorDistFire <= 1148: Lodgepole Pine (1)
## HorDistFire > 1148: Spruce/Fir (7)
## SubTree [S31]
## VertDistToHydro > 37: Spruce/Fir (8)
## VertDistToHydro <= 37:
## :...Slope <= 15: Spruce/Fir (1)
##     Slope > 15: Lodgepole Pine (3)
## SubTree [S32]
## HorDistRoad <= 908: Lodgepole Pine (7)
## HorDistRoad > 908:
## :...SoilType in {ST13,ST32}: Lodgepole Pine (11/3)
##     SoilType in {ST07,ST08,ST09,ST12,ST16,ST18,ST19,ST20,ST21,ST22,ST23,ST24,
##     :            ST25,ST26,ST27,ST28,ST29,ST30,ST31,ST34}: Spruce/Fir (5/1)
##     SoilType = ST33:
##     :...HorDistToHydro <= 418: Spruce/Fir (4)
##         HorDistToHydro > 418:
##         :...HorDistRoad <= 2717: Lodgepole Pine (3)
##             HorDistRoad > 2717: Spruce/Fir (2)
## SubTree [S33]
## Elevation <= 3222: Lodgepole Pine (4)
## Elevation > 3222: Spruce/Fir (3)
## SubTree [S34]
## HorDistToHydro <= 799: Spruce/Fir (78/24)
## HorDistToHydro > 799: Lodgepole Pine (5)
## SubTree [S35]
## VertDistToHydro <= -102: Lodgepole Pine (1)
## VertDistToHydro > -102: Spruce/Fir (60/4)
## SubTree [S36]
## WildArea = WA_NWA: Lodgepole Pine (1)
## WildArea = WA_CPWA: Spruce/Fir (2)
## WildArea = WA_RWA:
## :...VertDistToHydro > 53: Spruce/Fir (4)
##     VertDistToHydro <= 53:
##     :...HorDistToHydro <= 247: Spruce/Fir (3)
##         HorDistToHydro > 247: Lodgepole Pine (10/2)
## SubTree [S37]
## HorDistRoad <= 2865: Lodgepole Pine (7)
## HorDistRoad > 2865: Spruce/Fir (1)
## SubTree [S38]
## Hillshade15 <= 181: Spruce/Fir (7)
## Hillshade15 > 181: Lodgepole Pine (2)
## SubTree [S39]
## VertDistToHydro <= 92: Lodgepole Pine (5)
## VertDistToHydro > 92:
## :...Elevation <= 3238: Spruce/Fir (3)
##     Elevation > 3238: Lodgepole Pine (1)
## SubTree [S40]
## HorDistToHydro <= 624: Lodgepole Pine (12/3)
## HorDistToHydro > 624:
## :...HorDistRoad <= 3200: Spruce/Fir (10)
##     HorDistRoad > 3200: Lodgepole Pine (1)
## SubTree [S41]
## HorDistToHydro > 576: Spruce/Fir (13)
## HorDistToHydro <= 576:
## :...HorDistFire > 1614: Lodgepole Pine (6)
##     HorDistFire <= 1614:
##     :...Hillshade12 <= 244: Spruce/Fir (5)
##         Hillshade12 > 244: Lodgepole Pine (1)
## SubTree [S42]
## HorDistToHydro > 424: Lodgepole Pine (7)
## HorDistToHydro <= 424:
## :...Aspect <= 236: Spruce/Fir (4)
##     Aspect > 236: Lodgepole Pine (1)
## SubTree [S43]
## HorDistToHydro <= 247: Spruce/Fir (5)
## HorDistToHydro > 247:
## :...Aspect > 318: Spruce/Fir (5)
##     Aspect <= 318:
##     :...HorDistRoad <= 5744: Lodgepole Pine (70/25)
##         HorDistRoad > 5744:
##         :...HorDistRoad <= 6151: Spruce/Fir (5)
##             HorDistRoad > 6151: Lodgepole Pine (2)
## SubTree [S44]
## Hillshade15 <= 151: Lodgepole Pine (4)
## Hillshade15 > 151: Spruce/Fir (9/1)
## SubTree [S45]
## Hillshade09 > 218: Spruce/Fir (55/5)
## Hillshade09 <= 218:
## :...HorDistFire <= 920: Spruce/Fir (12)
##     HorDistFire > 920:
##     :...Hillshade12 <= 245: Lodgepole Pine (26/9)
##         Hillshade12 > 245: Spruce/Fir (1)
## SubTree [S46]
## HorDistRoad <= 785: Lodgepole Pine (9)
## HorDistRoad > 785:
## :...Hillshade15 <= 182: Spruce/Fir (47/10)
##     Hillshade15 > 182:
##     :...SoilType = ST22: Spruce/Fir (1)
##         SoilType in {ST18,ST19,ST20,ST21,ST23,ST24,ST30}: Lodgepole Pine (3)
## SubTree [S47]
## WildArea = WA_NWA: Lodgepole Pine (0)
## WildArea = WA_RWA:
## :...Hillshade15 <= 169: Lodgepole Pine (95/40)
## :   Hillshade15 > 169: Spruce/Fir (12/1)
## WildArea = WA_CPWA:
## :...Elevation <= 3100:
##     :...Hillshade09 <= 245: Lodgepole Pine (29/6)
##     :   Hillshade09 > 245: Spruce/Fir (3)
##     Elevation > 3100:
##     :...Slope <= 22: Spruce/Fir (5)
##         Slope > 22: Lodgepole Pine (1)
## SubTree [S48]
## SoilType = ST33: Spruce/Fir (3)
## SoilType = ST31:
## :...HorDistRoad <= 2563: Spruce/Fir (1)
## :   HorDistRoad > 2563: Lodgepole Pine (2)
## SoilType = ST29:
## :...Aspect <= 276:
##     :...HorDistToHydro <= 60: Spruce/Fir (1)
##     :   HorDistToHydro > 60: Lodgepole Pine (6)
##     Aspect > 276:
##     :...Hillshade09 <= 182: Lodgepole Pine (1)
##         Hillshade09 > 182: Spruce/Fir (7)
## SubTree [S49]
## Hillshade09 <= 199: Spruce/Fir (5)
## Hillshade09 > 199: Lodgepole Pine (8)
## SubTree [S50]
## Elevation <= 3018: Spruce/Fir (1)
## Elevation > 3018: Lodgepole Pine (9)
## SubTree [S51]
## Aspect <= 192: Lodgepole Pine (4)
## Aspect > 192: Spruce/Fir (1)
## SubTree [S52]
## HorDistToHydro > 485: Spruce/Fir (3)
## HorDistToHydro <= 485:
## :...Hillshade09 <= 196: Spruce/Fir (1)
##     Hillshade09 > 196: Lodgepole Pine (6)
## SubTree [S53]
## Hillshade15 <= 182: Spruce/Fir (14)
## Hillshade15 > 182: Lodgepole Pine (1)
## SubTree [S54]
## Hillshade15 > 186: Spruce/Fir (2)
## Hillshade15 <= 186:
## :...Aspect <= 28: Spruce/Fir (1)
##     Aspect > 28: Lodgepole Pine (12)
## SubTree [S55]
## Elevation <= 3131: Spruce/Fir (6)
## Elevation > 3131:
## :...Hillshade09 <= 224: Lodgepole Pine (2)
##     Hillshade09 > 224: Spruce/Fir (1)
## SubTree [S56]
## WildArea = WA_NWA: Lodgepole Pine (12)
## WildArea in {WA_RWA,WA_CPWA}:
## :...VertDistToHydro > 57: Lodgepole Pine (42/3)
##     VertDistToHydro <= 57:
##     :...HorDistToHydro > 451: Lodgepole Pine (12/1)
##         HorDistToHydro <= 451:
##         :...VertDistToHydro <= 18: Spruce/Fir (12/1)
##             VertDistToHydro > 18:
##             :...HorDistRoad <= 997: Lodgepole Pine (7)
##                 HorDistRoad > 997:
##                 :...WildArea = WA_CPWA: Spruce/Fir (5)
##                     WildArea = WA_RWA:
##                     :...HorDistToHydro <= 319: Spruce/Fir (4)
##                         HorDistToHydro > 319:
##                         :...HorDistToHydro <= 418: Lodgepole Pine (6)
##                             HorDistToHydro > 418: Spruce/Fir (1)
## Evaluation on training data (5810 cases):
## 	    Decision Tree   
## 	  ----------------  
## 	  Size      Errors  
## 	   442  714(12.3%)   <<
## 	   (a)   (b)   (c)   (d)   (e)   (f)   (g)    <-classified as
## 	  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----
## 	  1728   384                             7    (a): class Spruce/Fir
## 	   196  2644     7     1     2     1          (b): class Lodgepole Pine
## 	          17   319     6          13          (c): class Ponderosa Pine
## 	                 4    31           1          (d): class Cottonwood/Willow
## 	     2    23     4          56                (e): class Aspen
## 	     3     8     9     3         146          (f): class Douglas-fir
## 	    23                                 172    (g): class Krummholz
## 	Attribute usage:
## 	100.00%	WildArea
## 	 99.45%	SoilType
## 	 95.99%	Elevation
## 	 78.30%	HorDistToHydro
## 	 63.15%	HorDistRoad
## 	 41.53%	Hillshade12
## 	 34.01%	HorDistFire
## 	 31.77%	Hillshade09
## 	 12.41%	VertDistToHydro
## 	 10.84%	Aspect
## 	  7.56%	Hillshade15
## 	  6.75%	Slope
## Time: 0.1 secs
##                 Overall
## WildArea         100.00
## SoilType          99.45
## Elevation         95.99
## HorDistToHydro    78.30
## HorDistRoad       63.15
## Hillshade12       41.53
## HorDistFire       34.01
## Hillshade09       31.77
## VertDistToHydro   12.41
## Aspect            10.84
## Hillshade15        7.56
## Slope              6.75
modelCT2 <- C5.0(Class ~ ., data=covtype, control = C5.0Control(noGlobalPruning = FALSE,minCases=50))
plot(modelCT2, main="C5.0 Decision Tree - Pruned, min=20")
plot of chunk IntroML-DecTree-CTytpe-_3
## Call:
## C5.0.formula(formula = Class ~ ., data = covtype, control
##  = C5.0Control(noGlobalPruning = FALSE, minCases = 50))
## C5.0 [Release 2.07 GPL Edition]  	Thu Aug 29 12:48:30 2019
## -------------------------------
## Class specified by attribute `outcome'
## Read 5810 cases (13 attributes) from
## Decision tree:
## WildArea = WA_CLPWA:
## :...Elevation <= 2395:
## :   :...SoilType in {ST01,ST02,ST03,ST04,ST05,ST06,ST07,ST08,ST09,ST10,ST12,
## :   :   :            ST13,ST15,ST18,ST19,ST20,ST21,ST22,ST23,ST24,ST25,ST26,
## :   :   :            ST27,ST28,ST29,ST30,ST31,ST32,ST33,ST34,ST35,ST36,ST37,
## :   :   :            ST38,ST39,ST40}: Ponderosa Pine (246/83)
## :   :   SoilType in {ST11,ST14,ST16,ST17}: Cottonwood/Willow (19/7)
## :   Elevation > 2395:
## :   :...Elevation <= 2474: Douglas-fir (57/29)
## :       Elevation > 2474: Lodgepole Pine (54/30)
## WildArea in {WA_RWA,WA_NWA,WA_CPWA}:
## :...SoilType in {ST01,ST05,ST06,ST15,ST36}: Lodgepole Pine (0)
##     SoilType in {ST02,ST03,ST04,ST10,ST11,ST14,ST17}:
##     :...SoilType in {ST02,ST04}:
##     :   :...Elevation <= 2674: Ponderosa Pine (123/24)
##     :   :   Elevation > 2674: Lodgepole Pine (52/19)
##     :   SoilType in {ST03,ST10,ST11,ST14,ST17}:
##     :   :...Elevation > 2618: Lodgepole Pine (196/44)
##     :       Elevation <= 2618:
##     :       :...SoilType in {ST03,ST11}: Lodgepole Pine (45/14)
##     :           SoilType in {ST10,ST14,ST17}: Douglas-fir (66/34)
##     SoilType in {ST07,ST08,ST09,ST12,ST13,ST16,ST18,ST19,ST20,ST21,ST22,ST23,
##     :            ST24,ST25,ST26,ST27,ST28,ST29,ST30,ST31,ST32,ST33,ST34,ST35,
##     :            ST37,ST38,ST39,ST40}:
##     :...SoilType in {ST35,ST37,ST38,ST39,ST40}:
##         :...WildArea in {WA_RWA,WA_NWA}: Spruce/Fir (271/75)
##         :   WildArea = WA_CPWA: Krummholz (147/57)
##         SoilType in {ST07,ST08,ST09,ST12,ST13,ST16,ST18,ST19,ST20,ST21,ST22,
##         :            ST23,ST24,ST25,ST26,ST27,ST28,ST29,ST30,ST31,ST32,ST33,
##         :            ST34}:
##         :...Elevation <= 3017:
##             :...Elevation <= 2918: Lodgepole Pine (1272/244)
##             :   Elevation > 2918:
##             :   :...SoilType in {ST07,ST08,ST09,ST12,ST13,ST16,ST18,ST20,ST24,
##             :       :            ST25,ST26,ST27,ST28,ST29,ST30,ST31,ST32,ST33,
##             :       :            ST34}: Lodgepole Pine (820/197)
##             :       SoilType in {ST19,ST21,ST22,ST23}: Spruce/Fir (149/60)
##             Elevation > 3017:
##             :...Elevation > 3148:
##                 :...Elevation > 3315: Spruce/Fir (97/27)
##                 :   Elevation <= 3315:
##                 :   :...HorDistToHydro <= 228: Spruce/Fir (418/90)
##                 :       HorDistToHydro > 228:
##                 :       :...Hillshade12 <= 247: Spruce/Fir (577/190)
##                 :           Hillshade12 > 247: Lodgepole Pine (77/30)
##                 Elevation <= 3148:
##                 :...SoilType in {ST07,ST08,ST09,ST16,ST25,ST26,
##                     :            ST28}: Spruce/Fir (0)
##                     SoilType in {ST12,ST13,ST27,ST32,
##                     :            ST34}: Lodgepole Pine (194/50)
##                     SoilType in {ST18,ST19,ST20,ST21,ST22,ST23,ST24,ST29,ST30,
##                     :            ST31,ST33}:
##                     :...HorDistRoad > 5367: Lodgepole Pine (92/25)
##                         HorDistRoad <= 5367:
##                         :...HorDistToHydro > 256:
##                             :...Hillshade12 > 230: Lodgepole Pine (108/32)
##                             :   Hillshade12 <= 230:
##                             :   :...Hillshade09 <= 234: Spruce/Fir (167/60)
##                             :       Hillshade09 > 234: Lodgepole Pine (55/22)
##                             HorDistToHydro <= 256:
##                             :...SoilType in {ST18,ST19,ST20,ST21,ST22,ST23,
##                                 :            ST24,
##                                 :            ST30}: Spruce/Fir (272/52)
##                                 SoilType in {ST29,ST31,ST33}:
##                                 :...Hillshade12 <= 212: Spruce/Fir (56/11)
##                                     Hillshade12 > 212:
##                                     :...Elevation <= 3109: Lodgepole Pine (127/57)
##                                         Elevation > 3109: Spruce/Fir (53/16)
## Evaluation on training data (5810 cases):
## 	    Decision Tree   
## 	  ----------------  
## 	  Size      Errors  
## 	    27 1579(27.2%)   <<
## 	   (a)   (b)   (c)   (d)   (e)   (f)   (g)    <-classified as
## 	  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----  ----
## 	  1479   587                       4    49    (a): class Spruce/Fir
## 	   475  2328    17                23     8    (b): class Lodgepole Pine
## 	          54   262     3          36          (c): class Ponderosa Pine
## 	           1    23    12                      (d): class Cottonwood/Willow
## 	     1    82     2                            (e): class Aspen
## 	          40    65     4          60          (f): class Douglas-fir
## 	   105                                  90    (g): class Krummholz
## 	Attribute usage:
## 	100.00%	WildArea
## 	 98.09%	SoilType
## 	 92.81%	Elevation
## 	 32.87%	HorDistToHydro
## 	 21.00%	Hillshade12
## 	 16.01%	HorDistRoad
## 	  3.82%	Hillshade09
## Time: 0.0 secs
##                 Overall
## WildArea         100.00
## SoilType          98.09
## Elevation         92.81
## HorDistToHydro    32.87
## Hillshade12       21.00
## HorDistRoad       16.01
## Hillshade09        3.82
## Aspect             0.00
## Slope              0.00
## VertDistToHydro    0.00
## Hillshade15        0.00
## HorDistFire        0.00

Warning: Code and results presented on this document are for reference use only. Code was written to be clear, not efficient. There are several ways to achieve the results, not all were considered.

See the R source code for this notebook.

Updated August 29, 2019