The list of some projects I am/was involved is below.
Project: Classificação de imagens via redes neurais profundas e grandes bases de dados para aplicaçõoes aeroespaciais (Image classification via Deep neural networks and large databases for aeroSpace applications)
Role in the project: Coordinator
Description: See here.
Project: Hiper-Heurística de Seleção para Teste de Software (Selection Hyper-Heuristic for Software Testing)
Role in the project: Post-Doc Researcher
Description: Search-Based Software Testing (SBST) has shown to be very promising for several tasks of the testing activity and its optimisation as a whole. Recently, researchers have been addressing multi-objective problems and the use of hyper-heuristics. However, hyper-heuristics are still very incipient in the context of SBST where few studies have been published compared to other optimisation approaches. This project aimed at investigating selection hyper-heuristics for software test case generation. This research was conducted at the Computational Optimisation and Learning (COL) Lab, School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham, England (United Kingdom), under the supervision of Prof. Ender Özcan, and it was funded by a FAPESP grant.
Project: Verificação Formal de Sistemas Probabilísticos: uma aplicação ao projeto protoMIRAX (Formal Verification of Probabilistic Systems: application to the protoMIRAX project)
Role in the project: Researcher
Description: In this project, an investigation and application of Probabilistic Model Checking for the performance analysis of the protoMIRAX Scientific Experiment, specifically in relation to the transmission of scientific data obtained from astronomical objects that emit X-rays, was performed. The work was developed in the Hardware Verification Group (HVG) at Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, under the supervision of Prof. Sofiène Tahar. This project was funded by a CNPq grant.
Project: VVTransv: Um Método para Teste e Verificação Formal Transversal ao Desenvolvimento de Sistemas Críticos (VVTransv: A Method for Testing and Formal Verification for the Development of Critical Systems)
Role in the project: Researcher, Advisor
Description: Given the need to facilitate testing and formal verification of mission-critical software systems, this project aimed to develop an integrated methodology, supported by computational tools, for formal verification and testing of such systems, taking into account the cost reduction of Verification & Validation (V&V) activities. The main aspect to study was the exploration of the complementarity of the two activities in a cross-cut manner to the development of critical systems, to allow the joint use of these activities and evaluate the cost of their application. The case studies were based on software for space projects under development at INPE. This project was a cooperation between Instituto de Matemática e Estatística of the Universidade de São Paulo (IME/USP) and INPE.
Project: Desenvolvimento e Lançamento em Balão do Experimento protoMIRAX (Development and Balloon Launching of the protoMIRAX Experiment)
Role in the project: Former General Project Manager, Leader of the Data Handling Subsystem Team, Leader of the Verification & Validation Team
Description: The main goal is to develop and launch a balloon-borne high energy astrophysics experiment called protoMIRAX. The protoMIRAX experiment will test in near-space environment several subsystems that can be reused in INPE's satellite missions. In particular, it aims to develop cutting-edge space technology with emphasis on software embedded in data handling computers and attitude and control subsystems for space platforms. Beyond the technical objectives, protoMIRAX is expected to get scientific data such as images, spectra, and variability curves of important cosmic X-Ray sources.
Project: Reunião de Especialistas em Verificação e Validação de Software (REVVIS - Collaboration between Experts in Software Verification and Validation)
Role in the project: Researcher
Description: The REVVIS project brought together a significant number of Iberoamerican specialists involved in projects of research, development and innovation dedicated to software Verification and Validation in order to: foster the exchange of knowledge, disseminate best practices and results of projects, conduct technology transfer, and increase in general the quality of software projects by means of the widespread use of Verification and Validation. Institutions from the following countries participated in REVVIS: Brazil (INPE and others), Argentina, Ecuador, Peru, Uruguay, Colombia, Cuba, Portugal, and Spain.
Geração Automática de Casos de Teste Baseada em Statecharts (GTSC - Automated Test Case Generation based on Statecharts)
Role in the project: Researcher, Advisor
Description: The goal was the automated model-based test case generation using as modelling techniques Statecharts and Finite State Machines (FSMs). An environment, also called GTSC, was developed to support the project. Four test criteria from the Statechart Coverage Criteria Family (SCCF), all-transitions, all-simple-paths, all-paths-k-C0-configuration, and all-paths-k-configurations, for Statechart modelling, and Distinguishing Sequence (DS), Unique Input/Output (UIO), and H-switch cover test criteria for FSM modelling were implemented in GTSC.
Project: Qualidade do Software Embarcado em Aplicações Espaciais (QSEE - Quality of Space Application Embedded Software)
Role in the project: Researcher, Advisor, Leader of the Payload Data Handling Subsystem Team
Description: QSEE was an experience in outsourcing the development of software embedded in satellite payload. INPE was the customer and there were two software suppliers: INPE itself and a Brazilian software company. The QSEE research project used European Cooperation for Space Standardization (ECSS) standards in order to guide the relationship between customer and supplier. The main goals of QSEE were: (i) to transfer to Brazilian software industry INPE's knowledge in software development for space applications, particularly Verification and Validation methods and techniques applied to software embedded in scientific instruments of satellites and in balloon applications; (ii) to update the software
development methodology for scientific satellites and balloon applications under development at INPE; and (iii) to create a methodology so that INPE can accept software developed by private software companies.
Project: Platform for Software Validation & Integration on Space Systems (PLAVIS)
Role in the project: Researcher
Description: PLAVIS addressed the definition, evaluation, selection, and integration of methods and tools for software Verification & Validation to support the development of software systems in space applications involving on-board and ground systems. The following institutions were involved in PLAVIS: Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação (ICMC/USP), INPE, Instituto de Computação (IC/UNICAMP), Universidade Federal de São Carlos, UNIVEM, Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, Groupe des Ecoles des Télécommunications (GET - France), and LABRI - Université Bordeaux 1 (France).
Project: Scientific Satellites
Role in the project: Development Engineer
Description: Monitor e Imageador de Raios X (MIRAX - X-Ray Imager and Monitor) and Equatorial Atmosphere Research Satellite (EQUARS) are two missions with different objectives at INPE. I worked on the preliminary design of the payload data handling subsystem and interfacing of the MIRAX mission, and I developed software to support validation, visualisation, data analysis, and performance analysis of some scientific experiments of the EQUARS mission.
Last Update: October/2024