This is the list of my publications.
- MIRANDA, MATEUS DE SOUZA ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; KÖRTING, THALES SEHN ; MONTEIRO, ERISON CARLOS DOS SANTOS; SILVA, JADSON QUEIROZ DA. AI4LUC: deep learning and automated mask labelling to support land use and land cover mapping in the Cerrado biome. Remote Sensing Letters, v. 15, p. 850-860, 2024. Access here. This publication is related to the project IDeepS.
- BARAUNA, LUAN O. ; ROSA, REINALDO R. ; WUENSCHE, CARLOS A. ; SAUTTER, RUBENS A. ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; SHIGUEMORI, ELCIO H. ; PADUA, MARCELO B. . Characterizing Colored Noise Time Series Patterns with Deep Learning Models. FLUCTUATION AND NOISE LETTERS, v. 24, p. 2450053, 2024. Access here.
- SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE. Evaluating Deep Learning Techniques for Blind Image Super-Resolution within a High-Scale Multi-Domain Perspective. AI, v. 4, p. 598-619, 2023. Access here. This publication is related to the project IDeepS.
- SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE. Deep learning techniques for blind image super-resolution: A high-scale multi-domain perspective evaluation. arXiv:2306.09426 [eess.IV], 2023. Access here. This publication is related to the project IDeepS.
Ensemble Metaheuristics. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, v. 22, p. 348-361, 2023. Access here.
- TORRES, FÁBIO DE OLIVEIRA, SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; COSTA, DANIEL BENEVIDES DA ; CARDOSO, DIEGO LISBOA ; OLIVEIRA, ROBERTO CÉLIO LIMÃO DE. Radio resource allocation in a 6G D-OMA network with imperfect SIC: A framework aided by a bi-objective hyper-heuristic. ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, v. 119, p. 105830, 2023. Access here.
- SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; ÖZCAN, ENDER ; BALERA, JULIANA MARINO. Many-Objective Test Case Generation for Graphical User Interface Applications via Search-Based and Model-Based Testing. EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, v. 208, 118075, 2022. Access here and here.
- SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE. A Method and Experiment to evaluate Deep Neural Networks as Test Oracles for Scientific Software. In: Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automation of Software Test (AST 2022, co-located with ICSE 2022), 2022, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, p. 40-51. Access here. This publication is related to the project IDeepS.
- MIRANDA, MATEUS DE SOUZA ; ALVARENGA E SILVA, LUCAS FERNANDO ; SANTOS, SAMUEL FELIPE DOS ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; KÖRTING, THALES SEHN ; ALMEIDA, JURANDY. A High-Spatial Resolution Dataset and Few-shot Deep Learning Benchmark for Image Classification. In: The 35th Conference on Graphics, Patterns and Images (SIBGRAPI 2022), 2022, Natal, RN, Brazil. Accepted for publication. Access dataset and code here. This publication is related to the project IDeepS.
- MAXIMIANO, RENATO DE SOUSA ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; SHIGUEMORI, ELCIO HIDEITI. Artificial Neural Networks to Analyze Energy Consumption and Temperature of UAV On-Board Computers Executing Algorithms for Object Detection. In Intelligent Systems: 11th Brazilian Conference, BRACIS 2022, Campinas, Brazil, November 28 – December 1, 2022, Proceedings, Part II (Campinas, Brazil). Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 523–538. Access article here. Access code and data here. This publication is related to the project IDeepS.
- MAXIMIANO, RENATO DE SOUSA ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; SHIGUEMORI, ELCIO HIDEITI. On the benefits of automated tuning of hyper-parameters: an experiment related to temperature prediction on UAV computers. In: Anais do XIX Encontro Nacional de Inteligência Artificial e Computacional (ENIAC 2022), 2022, Campinas, SP, Brasil, 509-520. Access article here. Access code and data here. This publication is related to the project IDeepS.
- SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; SALES, CAMILA PEREIRA. Metaheuristics and Hyper-heuristics Based on Evolutionary Algorithms for Software Integration Testing. In: Uddin, Mohammad Shorif; Jamwal, Prashant Kumar; Bansal, Jagdish Chand. (Org.). Proceedings of International Joint Conference on Advances in Computational Intelligence. 1ed. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022, v. 1, p. 131-151. Access here.
- BALERA, JULIANA MARINO ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE. Multiperspective Web Testing Supported by a Generation Hyper-Heuristic. In: Gervasi, O. et al. (eds), Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13381, p. 447-462, Springer, Cham. Access here.
Spatial Resolutions. In: Gervasi, O. et al. (eds), Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12955, p. 519-530, Springer, Cham. Access here.
- PASA, GABRIEL DUARTE ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE. Aircraft Navigation Systems Safety Assessment via Probabilistic Model Checking. In: Gervasi, O. et al. (eds), Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12952, p. 465-480, Springer, Cham. Access here.
- MIRANDA, MATEUS DE SOUZA ; MAXIMIANO, RENATO DE SOUSA ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; KÖRTING, THALES SEHN ; FONSECA, LEILA MARIA GARCIA. Classification of the water volume of dams using heterogeneous remote sensing images through a deep convolutional neural network. In: Proceedings of the XXII Brazilian Symposium on Geoinformatics (GEOINFO 21), 2021, São José dos Campos, SP, p. 179-188. Access here.
- SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; ÖZCAN, ENDER ; CARVALHO, VINICIUS RENAN DE. Hyper-Heuristics based on Reinforcement Learning, Balanced
Heuristic Selection and Group Decision Acceptance. APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING, v. 97, Part A, 106760, 2020. Access here and here.
- DOS SANTOS, JEMISON ; MARTINS, LUIZ EDUARDO GALVÃO; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; POVOA, LUCAS VENEZIAN ; DOS SANTOS, LUCIANA BRASIL REBELO. Software requirements testing approaches: a systematic literature review. REQUIREMENTS ENGINEERING, v. 25, p. 317-337, 2020. Access here and here.
- SALES, CAMILA PEREIRA ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE. Investigating Multi and Many-Objective Metaheuristics to Support Software Integration Testing. In: Proceedings of the V Brazilian Symposium on Systematic and Automated Software Testing (SAST 20), 2020, Natal, RN, p. 1-10. Access here.
- SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; ÖZCAN, ENDER. HRMA: Hyper-Heuristic Based on the Random Choice of Move Acceptance Methods. In: Proceedings of the Annual Conference of The Operational Research Society (OR61), 2019, Canterbury, United Kingdom, p. 37-38. Access here.
- BALERA, JULIANA MARINO ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE. A systematic mapping addressing Hyper-Heuristics within Search-based Software Testing. INFORMATION AND SOFTWARE TECHNOLOGY, v. 114, p. 176-189, 2019. Access here and here.
- FORNARI, GABRIEL ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE. Dynamically Reconfigurable Systems: a Systematic Literature Review. JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & ROBOTIC SYSTEMS, v. 95, p. 829-849, 2019. Access here and here.
- DIOTO, MARINA ; ERAS, EDUARDO ROHDE ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE. On the Feasibility of Probabilistic Model Checking to Analyze Battery Sustained Power Supply Systems. In: Misra S. et al. (eds), Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 11620, p. 743-757, Springer, Cham. Access here.
- ERAS, EDUARDO ROHDE ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; SANTOS, LUCIANA BRASIL REBELO DOS. Singularity: A methodology for automatic unit test data generation for C++ applications based on Model Checking counterexamples. In: Proceedings of the IV Brazilian Symposium on Systematic and Automated Software Testing (SAST 19), 2019, Salvador, BA, p. 72-79. Access here.
- SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; SILVA, LEONI AUGUSTO ROMAIN DA ; ANDRADE NETO, PEDRO RIBEIRO DE. Testing Environmental Models supported by Machine Learning. In: Proceedings of the III Brazilian Symposium on Systematic and Automated Software Testing (SAST 18), 2018, São Carlos, SP, p. 3-12. Access here.
- FORNARI, GABRIEL ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; SHIGUEMORI, ELCIO HIDEITI. A Self-Adaptive Approach for Autonomous UAV Navigation via Computer Vision. In: Gervasi, O. et al. (eds), Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10961, p. 268-280. Access here.
- SANTOS, LUCIANA BRASIL REBELO DOS ; SALES, CAMILA PEREIRA ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE. XMITS: Software Inspections via Formal Verification. In: IX Congresso Brasileiro de Software: Teoria e Prática (CBSoft 2018), Sessão de Ferramentas, 2018, São Carlos, SP, p. 55-60.
- BALERA, JULIANA MARINO ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE. An algorithm for combinatorial interaction testing: definitions and rigorous evaluations. JOURNAL OF SOFTWARE ENGINEERING RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT, v. 5, p. 1-41, 2017. Access here.
- SOUZA, ÉRICA FERREIRA DE ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; VIJAYJUMAR, NANDAMUDI LANKALAPALLI. H-Switch Cover: a new test criterion to generate test case from finite state machines. SOFTWARE QUALITY JOURNAL, v. 25, p. 373-405, 2017. Access here and here.
- ALARCON, PAULO NOLBERTO DOS SANTOS ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE. Test Case/Step Minimization for Visual Programming Language Models and Its Application to Space Systems. In: Gervasi, O. et al. (eds), Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10409, p. 160-175, Springer, Cham. Access here.
- SANTOS, LUCIANA BRASIL REBELO DOS ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; FREITAS, ALBINO VIEIRA. A Rigorous Evaluation of the Benefits of Usability Improvements Within Model Checking-Aided Software Inspections. In: Gervasi, O. et al. (eds), Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10408, p. 591-606, Springer, Cham. Access here.
- SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; SILVA, FELIPE ELIAS COSTA DA. From Statecharts into Model Checking: A Hierarchy-based Translation and Specification Patterns Properties to Generate Test Cases. In: Proceedings of the 2nd Brazilian Symposium on Systematic and Automated Software Testing (SAST 2017). ACM, New York, NY, USA, Article 2, 10 pages. Access here.
- PEREIRA, VINY CESAR ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; MANEA, SILVIO. SEU Mitigation for SRAM FPGAs: A comparison via Probabilistic Model Checking. In: XVIII Workshop de Testes e Tolerância a Falhas (WTF), XXXV Simpósio Brasileiro de Redes de Computadores e Sistemas Distribuídos (SBRC), 2017, Belém, PA. Anais do XVIII Workshop de Testes e Tolerância a Falhas - WTF. Porto Alegre, RS: Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (SBC), 2017, p. 56-69. Access here.
- PENACCHIONI, ANA V. ; BRAGA, JOÃO ; DAMICO, FLAVIO ; AVILA, MANUEL A. C. ; RODRIGO SACAHUI, J. ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; MATTIELLO-FRANCISCO, FÁTIMA ; STRAUSS, CESAR ; FIALHO, MÁRCIO A. A. The protoMIRAX hard X-ray imaging balloon experiment. In: Proceedings of the MG14 Meeting on General Relativity, The Fourteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting, 2017, University of Rome La Sapienz, p. 3321-3327. Access here.
- SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; TAHAR, SOFIENE. Time Performance Formal Evaluation of Complex Systems. In: Cornélio, M., Roscoe, B. (eds), Formal Methods: Foundations and Applications - SBMF 2015. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9526, p. 162-177, Springer, Cham. Access here.
- BALERA, JULIANA MARINO ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE. A Controlled Experiment for Combinatorial Testing. In: the 1st Brazilian Symposium, 2016, Maringa, PR. Proceedings of the 1st Brazilian Symposium on Systematic and Automated Software Testing - SAST, p. 1-10. Access here.
- BRAGA, JOÃO ; DAMICO, FLAVIO ; AVILA, MANUEL A. C. ; PENACCHIONI, ANA V. ; RODRIGO SACAHUI, J. ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; MATTIELLO-FRANCISCO, FÁTIMA ; STRAUSS, CESAR ; FIALHO, MÁRCIO A. A. The protoMIRAX hard X-ray imaging balloon experiment. Astronomy & Astrophysics (Berlin. Print), v. 580, p. A108, 2015. Access here.
- ERAS, EDUARDO ROHDE ; SANTOS, LUCIANA BRASIL REBELO DOS ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE; VIJAYKUMAR, NANDAMUDI LANKALAPALLI. Towards a Wide Acceptance of Formal Methods to the Design of Safety Critical Software: an Approach Based on UML and Model Checking. In: Gervasi, O. et al. (eds), Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2015. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9158, p. 612-627, Springer, Cham. Access here.
- BALERA, JULIANA MARINO ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE. T-Tuple Reallocation: An Algorithm to Create Mixed-Level Covering Arrays to Support Software Test Case Generation. In: Gervasi, O. et al. (eds), Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2015. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 9158, p. 503-517. Springer, Cham. Access here.
- ARANTES, ALESSANDRO OLIVEIRA ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; VIJAYKUMAR, NANDAMUDI LANKALAPALLI. On Proposing a Test Oracle Generator Based on Static and Dynamic Source Code Analysis. In: 2015 International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security Companion (QRSC), Vancouver. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security - Companion, 2015, p. 144-152. Access here.
- ARANTES, ALESSANDRO OLIVEIRA ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; VIJAYKUMAR, NANDAMUDI LANKALAPALLI ; SOUZA, ERICA FERREIRA DE. Tool support for generating model-based test cases via web. International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology, v. 9, p. 62-96, 2014. Access here.
- SANTOS, LUCIANA BRASIL REBELO DOS ; ERAS, EDUARDO ROHDE ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; VIJAYKUMAR, NANDAMUDI LANKALAPALLI. A Formal Verification Tool for UML Behavioral Diagrams. In: Murgante, B. et al. (eds), Computational Science and Its Applications - ICCSA 2014. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8579, p. 696-711. Springer, Cham. Access here.
- SANTOS, LUCIANA BRASIL REBELO DOS; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; VIJAYKUMAR, NANDAMUDI LANKALAPALLI. Transformation of UML Behavioral Diagrams to Support Software Model Checking. Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science, v. 147, p. 133-142, 2014. Access here.
- SOFFITTA, PAOLO ; BARCONS, XAVIER ; BELLAZZINI, RONALDO; BRAGA, JOÃO ; ... SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; SAZONOV, SERGEY ; et al. XIPE: the X-ray imaging polarimetry explorer. Experimental Astronomy (Print), v. 36, p. 523-567, 2013. Access here.
- VÉRAS, PAULO ; SCHERER, PAULINO ; SILVA, FERNANDO ; BARROS, PRISCILA RENATA SILVA ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE. FMEA as a Design Improvement Tool of protoMIRAX Attitude Control Subsystem. In: Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing (LADC) - Industrial Track, 2013, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Proceedings of the Latin-American Symposium on Dependable Computing (LADC), p. 99-102. Access here.
- EMYGDIO, DANIELLE ; RODRIGUES, CLÁUDIA V. ; ANTUNES, WALÉRIA D. ; COSTA, JOAQUIM E. R. ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; SILVA, KARLEYNE M. G. CYCLOPS-Web: Um portal de simulações da emissão de estrelas do tipo polares. In: XXXIII Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (CSBC) - BreSci 2013 - Astronomia, Maceió, AL. Anais do XXXIII Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação (CSBC), 2013, p. 1-6. Access here.
- SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; SILVA, WENDELL P. ; COSTA, RAFFAEL C. ; SANTOS, DIOGO V. EXTFV: Automated Test Case Execution and Automated Generation of Artifacts related to the Verification and Validation Process. In: Sessão de Ferramentas do IV Congresso Brasileiro de Software: Teoria e Prática (CBSoft), Brasília-DF. Anais do IV Congresso Brasileiro de Software: Teoria e Prática (CBSoft), 2013, p. 1-6. Access here.
- SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; VIJAYKUMAR, NANDAMUDI LANKALAPALLI. Generating model-based test cases from natural language requirements for space application software. Software Quality Journal, v. 20, n. 1, p. 77-143, 2012. Access here and here.
- SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; VIJAYKUMAR, NANDAMUDI LANKALAPALLI ; SOUZA, ÉRICA F.; GUIMARÁES, DANIELLE S.; COSTA, RAFFAEL C. GTSC: Automated Model-Based Test Case Generation from Statecharts and Finite State Machines. In: Sessão de Ferramentas do III Congresso Brasileiro de Software: Teoria e Prática (CBSoft), Natal-RN. Anais do III Congresso Brasileiro de Software: Teoria e Prática (CBSoft), 2012, p. 25-30. Access here.
- SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; BRAGA, JOÃO. Planning and managing the development of the protoMIRAX balloon experiment by using ECSS standards. In: PSB.1 Panel - Scientific Ballooning: Recent Development in Technology and Instrumentation, 39th Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Scientific Assembly, 2012, Mysore, India. Final Program of the 39th Committee on Space Research (COSPAR) Scientific Assembly, 2012.
- ALVES, MIRIAM C. B. ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; VIJAYKUMAR, NANDAMUDI LANKALAPALLI. V&V Activities within two Brazilian Space Research Institutes. In: NASA Independent Verification & Validation (IV&V) Program Annual Workshop, 2012, Morgantown, WV, USA. Final Program of the NASA Independent Verification & Validation (IV&V) Program Annual Workshop, 2012. Access here.
- SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE. SOLIMVA: A methodology for generating model-based test cases from natural language requirements and detecting incompleteness in software specifications. 2011. 264 p. PhD Thesis in Applied Computing - Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, São José dos Campos, 2011. Access here.
- CRISTIÁ, MAXIMILIANO ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; VIJAYKUMAR, NANDAMUDI LANKALAPALLI. On Comparing and Complementing two MBT approaches. In: 2010 11th Latin American Test Workshop LATW, 2010, Punta del Este. 2010 11th Latin American Test Workshop, p. 1-6. Access here.
- SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; VIJAYKUMAR, NANDAMUDI LANKALAPALLI ; GUIMARÃES, DANIELLE ; AMARAL, ANA SILVIA M. ; SOUZA, ÉRICA FERREIRA. An Environment for Automated Test Case Generation from Statechart-based and Finite State Machine-based Behavioral Models. In: 4th Workshop on Advances in Model Based Testing (A-MOST) - Fisrt IEEE International Conference on Software Testing Verification and Validation (ICST), 2008, Lillehammer, Norway. Proceedings of the First IEEE International Conference on Software Testing Verification and Validation Workshop (ICSTW'08), p. 63-72. Access here.
- SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; SILVA, WENDELL PEREIRA ; VIJAYKUMAR, NANDAMUDI LANKALAPALLI. Shortening Test Case Execution Time for Embedded Software. In: The Second IEEE International Conference on Secure System Integration and Reliability Improvement (SSIRI), 2008, Yokohama, Japan. Proceedings of the Second IEEE International Conference on Secure System Integration and Reliability Improvement (SSIRI 2008), p. 81-88. Access here.
- ARANTES, ALESSANDRO O. ; VIJAYKUMAR, NANDAMUDI L. ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; CARVALHO, ADENILSON R. Automatic Test Case Generation through a Collaborative Web Application. In: 4th IASTED European Conference on Internet & Multimedia Systems & Applications (EuroIMSA), 2008, Innsbruck, Austria. Proceedings of the IASTED European Conference on Internet & Multimedia Systems & Applications (EuroIMSA), p. 27-32. Access here.
- RIBEIRO, JÚLIO R. ; VIJAYKUMAR, NANDAMUDI L. ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; FERREIRA, FABIANA F. ; ARANTES, ALESSANDRO O. Utilizando o J-SDL para a Geração Automática de Casos de Testes a partir de Especificações em SDL. In: Seminário de Tecnologia da Informação Aplicada, 2008, Chapecó, SC. Anais do Seminário de Tecnologia da Informação Aplicada. Access here.
- ARANTES, ALESSANDRO O. ; VIJAYKUMAR, NANDAMUDI L. ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; GUIMARÃES, DANIELLE. WEB-PerformCharts: A Collaborative Web-based tool for Test Case Generation from Statecharts. In: 10th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS), 2008, Linz, Austria. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS 2008), p. 374-381. Access here.
- ARANTES, ALESSANDRO O. ; VIJAYKUMAR, NANDAMUDI L. ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; GUIMARÃES, DANIELLE. Test Case Generation for Critical Systems through a Collaborative Web-based tool. In: 2008 International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling Control & Automation (CIMCA), 2008, Vienna, Austria. Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling Control & Automation (CIMCA 2008), p. 163-168. Access here.
- SOUZA, ÉRICA F. ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; GUIMARÃES, DANIELLE; VIJAYKUMAR, NANDAMUDI L. Evaluation of Test Criteria for Space Application Software Modeling in Statecharts. In: International Conference on Innovation in Software Engineering (ISE), 2008, Vienna, Austria. Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovation in Software Engineering (ISE 2008), p. 157-162. Access here.
- SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; MATTIELLO-FRANCISCO, M. F. ; COSTA, R. ; SILVA, W. P. ; AMBROSIO, A. M. QSEE Project: An Experience in Outsourcing Software Development for Space Applications. In: The Nineteenth International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE), 2007, Boston, USA. Proceedings of the Nineteenth International Conference on Software Engineering & Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2007). Skokie - USA: Knowledge Systems Institute Graduate School, 2007, p. 51-56. Access here.
- AMBROSIO, A. M. ; MATTIELLO-FRANCISCO, M. F. ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; SILVA, W. P. ; MARTINS, E. Designing Fault Injection Experiments Using State-Based Model to Test a Space Software. In: Bondavalli, A., Brasileiro F., Rajsbaum S. (eds), Dependable Computing. LADC 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 4746, p. 170-178, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Access here.
- MATTIELLO-FRANCISCO, M. F. ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; AMBROSIO, A. M. ; JOGAIB, L. ; COSTA, R. A Brazilian Software Industry Experience in Using ECSS for Space Application Software Development. In: Loureiro, G., Curran, R. (Org.), Complex Systems Concurrent Engineering, 2007, p. 167-174. Springer, London. Access here.
- SILVA, W. P. ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; VIJAYKUMAR, N. L. ; MATTIELLO-FRANCISCO, M. F. SPAC: Ferramenta para Processamento e Análise de Dados Científicos no Processo de Validação de Software em Aplicações Espaciais. In: XXI Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, XIV Sessão de Ferramentas, 2007, João Pessoa, PB. Anais do XXI Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, XIV Sessão de Ferramentas, p. 70-76. Access here.
- SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE. On-Board Computing Subsystem for MIRAX: Architectural and Interface Aspects. In: THE TRANSIENT MILKY WAY: A PERSPECTIVE FOR MIRAX, 2006, Sao José dos Campos (Brazil). AIP Conference Proceedings, p. 127-131. Access here.
- MATTIELLO-FRANCISCO, M. F. ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; AMBROSIO, A. M. ; COSTA, R. ; JOGAIB, L. Verificação e Validação na Terceirização de Software Embarcado em Aplicações Espaciais. In: V Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade de Software (SBQS 2006), 2006, Vila Velha, ES. Anais do V Simpósio Brasileiro de Qualidade de Software (SBQS 2006), p. 368-375. Access here.
- SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE; AMARAL, ANA M. ; VIJAYKUMAR, NANDAMUDI L. ; MATTIELLO-FRANCISCO, MARIA F. ; MARTINS, ELIANE ; LOPES, ODNEI. A Practical Approach for Automated Test Case Generation using Statecharts. In: Second International Workshop on Testing and Quality Assurance for Component-Based Systems, IEEE International Computer Software and Applications Conference, 2006, Chicago, USA. Proceedings of the 30th Annual International Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC 06), v. 2. p. 183-188. Access here.
- SILVA, W. P. ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; MATTIELLO-FRANCISCO, M. F. ; PASSOS, D. QSEE-TAS: Uma Ferramenta para Execução e Relato Automatizados de Testes de Software para Aplicações Espaciais. In: XX Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, XIII Sessão de Ferramentas, 2006, Florianópolis, SC. Anais do XX Simpósio Brasileiro de Engenharia de Software, XIII Sessão de Ferramentas, p. 43-48. Access here.
2005 and Earlier
- AMBROSIO, A. M. ; MARTINS, E. ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; MATTIELLO-FRANCISCO, M. F. ; VIJAYKUMAR, N. L. ; CARVALHO, S. V. A Methodology for Designing Fault Injection Experiments as an Addition to Communication Systems Conformance Testing. In: The International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN 2005), 2005, Yokohama, Japan. Proceedings of the First Workshop on Dependable Software - Tools and Methods, 2005.
- SUCHY, S. ; SCHANZ, T. ; KENDZIORRA, E. ; DISTRATIS, G. ; HEINDL, W. A. ; WILMS, J. ; BRAGA, J. ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; STAUBERT, R. ; ROTHSCHILD, R. E. Event preprocessor for the CdZnTe-strip detector on MIRAX. In: High-Energy Detectors in Astronomy Conference, 2004, Glasgow, Scotland. Proceedings of SPIE - High-Energy Detectors in Astronomy, v. 5501. p. 312-319.
- CASTRO, H. S. ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; MONTEIRO, A. M. V. SACI_FTR_LOADER: A Dynamic Loader for the On-Board Computer of the First Brazilian Microsatellite. In: The 5th Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), 1998, Gramado, RS. Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), p. 9-11.
- CASTRO, H. S. ; ROCHA JUNIOR, J. R. I. ; SILVEIRA, J. A. ; MONTEIRO, A. M. V. ; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE. A Fault-Tolerant On-Board Computer for Space Applications. In: WoTUG 21 Conference: Architectures, Languages and Patterns for Parallel and Distributed Applications, 1998, Canterbury, UK. Proceedings of the WoTUG 21 Conference: Architectures, Languages and Patterns for Parallel and Distributed Applications, p. 219-229.
- SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, VALDIVINO ALEXANDRE DE ; MONTEIRO, A. M. V. ; CASTRO, H. S. ; GIRAO, A. M. SACI_FTR: Concepção, Projeto e Implementação do Software Gerenciador Básico para o Computador de Bordo do Primeiro Microssatélite Brasileiro de Aplicações Científicas (SACI 1). In: VII Simpósio de Computadores Tolerantes a Falhas, 1997, Campina Grande, PB. Anais do VII Simpósio de Computadores Tolerantes a Falhas, p. 15-32.
Last Update: October/2024