VIII WWlet - 2017
Wavelets & Applications in Numerical Methods for PDEs and Signal Processing
São José dos Campos, September 19-22th, 2017
Dear Colleague,
The Organizing Committee of VIII WWlet in 2017 is pleased to invite you
to participate in the event Wavelet Applications in Numerical Methods
for PDEs and Signal Processing to be held in
the XXXVII Congresso Nacional de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional
São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil on September 19-22th, 2017.
In the last few decades wavelets techniques have become an important
research area in numerical analysis and an important tool in modern
signal processing. Wavelets applied to the solution of partial
differential equations can provide an alternative tool for developing
adaptive methods, which enable an adaptive refinement of the solution
according to its local regularity. One of the main goals of this event
is to explore concepts of wavelet analysis and its theoretical,
numerical and computational aspects applied to the field of partial
differential equations and signal processing. This special event is
dedicate to aerospace applications.
We also have been organizing a regular scientific group activity in
wavelets an space applications in INPE, São José dos Campos, São Paulo
with CNPq and FAPESP financial support. Please contact us for more
We hope to see you soon!
The organizers